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Overdraft Privilege
At times, unanticipated expenses or unforeseen problems can leave you with too little cash in your checking account. Having a check returned due to insufficient funds can be a costly, inconvenient, and potentially embarrassing experience.
Overview of Overdraft Priviledge
First Jackson Bank does not encourage overdrafts and we encourage you to manage your finances responsibly. However we want to save you from the additional merchant fees and possible damage to your credit history that might result if a check is returned. That’s why we provide Overdraft Privilege, a special overdraft service for First Jackson Bank checking customers.
The Overdraft Privilege is a service requiring no action on your part. You don’t have to sign anything. Your Overdraft Privilege will automatically be assigned when your account has been established.
Visit a convenient First Jackson Bank branch office or call us at 256.437.2107 for more information.

First Jackson Bank
43243 US Hwy 72
Stevenson, AL 35772
Customer Service: 256-437-2107
Toll Free: 1-888-950-2265
Fax: 256-437-2941